Gianna Piccione
Keeps track of important information regarding the organization, such as the Articles of Incorporation and bylaws.
Records meeting minutes during board meetings.
Alongside other team members, facilitates projects, writes articles, organizes events and podcast episodes, and much more.
About Gianna
Gianna Piccione (she/her) is a senior in high school and is from the San Francisco Bay Area. She loves reading (if you have any book recommendations, please tell her), listening to and making music, and spending time with friends and family.
At school, Gianna has strengthened her understanding of and passion for social issues through her involvement in the Environmental, Animal Welfare, and Global Health Clubs.
Gianna hopes to become a nurse when she’s older, and she wants to expand her career to fight for accessible healthcare. She has a passion for social justice and is a fierce believer that everyone should be able to pursue their passions, regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status, sexuality, or sexual orientation.
As secretary, she is responsible for keeping meeting notes, keeping track of important information regarding the organization, and helping with the more logistical side of Empolitics.
Who do you look up to and why?
What do you want to do career-wise in the future?
What's one fun fact about yourself?
I look up to my grandparents. They both came from pretty much nothing and overcame so many hardships. The way that they’ve been able to create a successful business and life for themselves is so inspiring to me. They are two of the most loving and supportive people that I know, and I hope to be like them one day. I also really look up to Amanda Gorman. The way that she went from having a very pronounced speech impediment to reciting an impassioned and inspiring speech at the inauguration is amazing.
I want to be a labor and delivery nurse when I’m older. As I further my career, I would love to focus more on finding solutions for problems within the field like accessible healthcare and inequities in maternal healthcare.
One fun fact about myself is I love visiting any kind of historical place. Whether it’s a museum, monument, library, or estate, it’s on my bucket list!